All-Natural Ways to Polish Marble Floors
It is without a doubt that marble flooring can give your home a certain look of refinement. Unfortunately, these floors are very fragile and become dull over time. To combat this, we are going explain how to polish marble floors using natural products to bring back their luster.

Making your marble floor look like new
Before we start, we must get rid of dirt and dust with a vacuum cleaner or soft bristle broom. Also keep in mind that it is never recommended to use acidic substances on marble, as they are likely to cause corrosion. The same goes for bleaches and limescale cleaners. Instead, its best to opt for delicate cleaners or products with a neutral pH level.
For a typical, light cleaning of your marble floors, you can simply use a rag soaked in warm water. Just wipe it across the entire surface to get rid of accumulated dirt and moderate stains.
Marseille soap is useful as a very delicate cleaning agent. Just grate a few flakes into a bucket of warm water. Soak your rag in the solution and wipe along the surface in circular motions. Repeat several times, and you should be quite satisfied with the results!

Though it is not 100% natural, denatured alcohol is still an eco-friendly product that we must to recommend. Add four tablespoons of the alcohol to a bucket of warm water and stir. Soak you rag and wipe along the entire surface. Now leave it for a few minutes before rinsing with just warm water.

Finally, here is a marble-specific cleaning method that calls for only natural products. In a bowl, we will mix:
- 10 tablespoons of alcohol
- 3 tablespoons of baking soda
- 1 tablespoon of Marseille soap
Mix everything well, then soak a rag in the solution. Now wipe along the marble section, then wait 5 minutes. When ready, take out a different rag and soak it in warm water. Rinse away the solution, and we are left with a beautiful looking marble floor.