Anti-wrinkle cream: how to look even younger by using just Nivea and an egg
There is a fact that everyone has to eventually face, as time goes on the signs of aging begin to appear. This is, of course, completely natural, but luckily there are options to help slow down this process. For example, it is possible to create an anti-wrinkle cream with the help of just two ingredients. This solution helps hydrate the skin and gives the skin the appearance of being ten years younger. If you have never heard of this method, then you may want to read on.

As we already mentioned, it is completely normal to have to deal with the signs of aging as we grow older. And how we each handle these signs definitely varies from person to person. Some people accept it, while others may be a bit more sensitive to the idea. But for those who do not take the situation very lightly, there is a non-invasive, inexpensive solution that will gradually reduce those unwelcome wrinkles, particularly around facial features. We just need to get ourselves some Nivea and an egg to get started.

Our end goal is to form a layer of cream that will have the ability to moisturize while simultaneously inducing the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. By doing this, the signs of aging can be reversed without the need for invasive surgery, which can also cost a lot of money.

Ingredients and Procedure
In order to produce the ideal anti-wrinkle cream, we are going to need half a tablespoon of Nivea cream and an egg white. Get a small glass bowl and first put in the egg white, then add the prescribed amount of Nivea cream. Mix well, then massage the cream along the affected areas with your fingers. Continue to gently rub in the cream for about fifteen minutes. Now let the cream sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing it away.
To get the best results, it is recommended to repeat this procedure about five times per week. Again, the effects will not be immediate, but with a little commitment, you should be very happy with the results.