The Benefits of Drinking Bay Leaf Tea Each Day
The bay leaf is known to be a symbol of glory and wisdom. It is even commonly used as a headpiece during graduation ceremonies. And on top of the different ways the bay leaf can be used when preparing different dishes in the kitchen, it can also be the base for your morning tea. So here we are going to look at exactly what to do to prepare your own bay leaf tea at home.

Preparing Bay Leaf Tea
As we previously mentioned, this Mediterranean plant belonging to the Lauraceae family is usually considered to be a flavor enhancer in recipes. But in addition, the bay leaf can be used to prepare a tea that can help fight against many ailments. By drinking bay leaf tea each morning, while on an empty stomach, you can realize a variety of health benefits.

So to get started, we will need to get a hold of 5 dried bay leaves. We will also need about 250 ml of water, a strainer, and a clean cloth. Heat the water to a boil, then add in the bay leaves. Let the bay leaves sit in the boiling water for about five minutes. Next, turn off the heat and cover the water and leaves with your clean cloth. Once the water has cooled, it is time to strain the liquid. Now our tea is ready.
Characteristics and Benefits
Bay leaf tea is often used as a home remedy for minor health problems. These can include indigestion, the common cold, and headaches. The added benefit is that the tea helps maintain a healthy immune system, as opposed to certain medicines that can have the opposite effect.
Other health problems that can be treated with bay leaf tea include:
- Abdominal pain
- Joint pain
- Certain types of infections
- Skin bacteria

When consuming bay leaf tea, we also recommend adding some honey for extra flavor. If you are using bay leaves to treat joint or abdominal pain, it is best to add some leaves to boiling water and pour the mixture into your next bath. This is also effective for bad digestion and even insomnia. The last thing we need to mention, though, is to always consider the risk of an allergic reaction to the bay leaf, and avoid consuming the leaf if you are pregnant.