Growing and Harvesting Peanuts in Your Backyard. They Will Have a Completely Different Flavour

What if we told you that you could actually grow peanuts in your own garden? Maybe you don’t know it yet, but gardeners have revealed a clever and eco-friendly way to do it. Imagine enjoying fresh, tasty peanuts whenever you want, like when you’re watching a movie. This guide will show you how to do it easily. All you need are some simple steps, and you’ll have your own homegrown peanuts that are perfect for snacking. It’s a great solution for satisfying those peanut cravings without running to the store. So, if you’ve ever wished for a peanut plant in your backyard, you’re in luck – it’s easier than you think!

Growing peanuts at home is simple and also very pleasant, here's how it's done

Materials Needed

To start growing your own peanuts, you’ll need a few things: medium to large plastic containers, peanut seeds, good-quality soil, fertilizer, and a watering can. It’s important to choose the right containers for your peanut plants. The containers should be about 30 cm deep and have holes at the bottom to ensure proper drainage, preventing water from getting trapped and causing issues for your plants. These containers will serve as the homes for your peanut seedlings as they grow. So, ensure you have these essentials ready to create a conducive environment for your peanut plants to thrive.

peanuts on the table


Once you’ve gathered all your materials, the next step is to fill the plastic containers with nutrient-rich soil. The peanut seeds you purchase from specialized retailers must be soaked in water for a few hours before planting to help them germinate. Plant the seeds at a depth of about 10 cm in the soil, leaving about 15 cm of space between each seed so that the plants can grow luxuriantly. It’s crucial to keep the soil consistently moist and ensure your peanut plants receive around 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day.

peanut plants

As time goes on, you’ll start to see the first seedlings emerge, and they’ll eventually produce lovely yellow flowers. These flowers will transform into pods, which then develop into stems that will give life to peanuts. When you observe the leaves starting to wither or lose their vitality, that signal is time for harvesting. At this point, you can carefully dig up your homegrown peanuts and enjoy the satisfaction of having grown your own delicious snack right in your own garden.

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