Say goodbye to flabby arms with three easy exercises
We are lucky today for the fact that the age of 50 is the new 40. However, there are certain body details that unfortunately reveal the reality of the aging process, and one of these details includes the soft, flabby skin that hangs from the arms.
In order to get back those nicely toned arms, there are exercises that can be used that focus in on two specific muscle groups: the triceps and the biceps.
Use the right work out routines to get rid of flabby arms

The first exercise we’ll discuss involves the extension of the triceps. Choose either a weight, dumbbell, or kettlebell and hold it with both hands. If none of these items are available to you, a full bottle of water will do. With your elbows pointed outwards, stretch your arms out above your head. Remember to keep your torso straight and your abdomen tight.
Next, bend both of your elbows in unison and lower your weight behind your head, stopping right where your neck begins. As you carry out the exercise, keep you upper arms still while your forearms do all the movement. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, taking a 30 second break between each set.

Another effective remedy that we have for flabby arms is the curl. For this exercise, you will begin by standing with the position of your feet aligned with your hips. Keep your knees slightly bent and hold a weight in each hand as your palms are facing up.
Again, keep your upper arms still as you work your elbows to bring the weights towards your chest and then return them to the starting position. Continue this movement in a calm fashion, avoiding any jerking motion. Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, taking a 30 second break between each set.

Lastly, an exercise that is ideal for targeting flabby arms is the dip. Start in a standing position with your back toward the front of a chair. Place your hands on the sides of the chair while keeping your elbows slightly bent and close to your hips.
Now bring yourself down slowly. Next, straighten your elbows to bring yourself back up while supporting your weight with your arms. Initially, you can keep your feet close to the chair while your knees are bent.
Once you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can intensify the workout by extending your legs. Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, taking a 30 second break between each set.