Your Kidneys are Giving You Warning Signs If You Have Any of These Symptoms. Pay Attention to Them!

The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the body’s balance by filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood. These excess fluids are eliminated through urine. When the kidneys lose their ability to perform this vital function, it leads to kidney failure. Kidney failure can disrupt various bodily functions, potentially leading to increased blood pressure. It’s essential to recognize its symptoms to act as soon as possible. Here are some common signs to watch for.

What happens when you suffer from kidney failure


Patients with kidney failure indeed struggle to eliminate excess fluids from their bodies. This is because the kidneys can’t properly filter waste and regulate fluid balance. As a result, fluid tends to accumulate in the body.

Changes in urine

Changes in urine are among the most common and noticeable symptoms of kidney problems. These changes may include urgency to urinate, a color that varies from lighter to darker, and the presence of blood.

The color of you urine says about your health.

Cutaneous eruptions

Kidneys play a vital role in filtering out toxins and unnecessary substances from the body. When they fail to perform this function effectively, toxins can accumulate in the body. As a result, this results in itching and discomfort.


People with healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin. This hormone is responsible for generating red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the bloodstream. However, kidney failure results in reduced erythropoietin production, leading to a lower red blood cell count, fatigue, and decreased oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.

Kidneys issues might cause more tiredness.

Metallic taste in the mouth

The accumulation of waste products in the bloodstream can alter food taste. So you lose weight and taste iron when you eat.

Nausea and vomiting after sex

Excess waste in the blood can lead to a condition known as uremia; as a result, vomiting and nausea begin to appear. Individuals with uremia may also experience a feeling of fullness in the stomach, even when they haven’t eaten much.

The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the body's balance

Concentration problems

Having circulation problems and not filtering the blood, oxygen does not reach the brain regularly. This can lead to increased mental effort and cognitive challenges. It’s not uncommon for individuals with kidney issues to experience minor memory lapses and difficulties with mental tasks due to these reduced oxygen levels in the brain.

Pain in the side and leg

Some people with kidney problems may experience back or side pain. This pain can often extend down one side of the abdomen or into the leg, causing significant discomfort. Therefore, it’s necessary to consult a doctor.

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